The Vegetation Assets, States and Transitions (VAST) classification orders vegetation by degree of anthropogenic modification as a series of classes, from a residual or benchmark condition through to total removal. VAST is being developed to explicitly link land management and vegetation condition, to provide a mechanism to describe the effects of land management on vegetation condition and to contribute to the analysis of ecosystems services provided by vegetation.

Citation and attribution: Access is unrestricted. Users of the data set are asked to acknowledge, in any visual or published material, that it was derived and compiled by Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS) and to make known to BRS any errors, omissions or suggestions for improvement. Lesslie, R and Thackway, R and Smith, J 2010, A national-level Vegetation Assets, States and Transitions (VAST) dataset for Australia (version 2), Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra. 

Licence: CC-BY Attribution 3.0

Full description: See

Includes: 1 variable across 1 year range at 1 resolution

  • VAST score
  • 2008
  • 30 arcmin